Monitoring your portfolio

This article will introduce you to portfolio monitoring, which allows you to understand how to interact with your portfolio on the application.

Table of Contents:

  • Navigating the portfolio page
  • Monitoring your received revenue

Navigating the portfolio page

  • Click the “Portfolio" tab.
  • On the top of the page, you have two key indicators about your portfolio showing the overall daily revenue and overall revenue delivered.
  • Under “My Portfolio”, you have a chart that maps the monthly delivered rewards in bitcoin (BTC) from each of your funded opportunities across the current year.
  • You can filter by mining counterparty, clicking on the dropdown box under “Filter by Miner” and selecting the corresponding mining counterparty.
  • You can filter by year, clicking on the dropdown box under “Filter by Year” and selecting the corresponding year.
  • You can filter by month of the current or filtered year, clicking on the dropdown box under “Filter by Month” and selecting the corresponding month. This will display the daily delivered rewards in bitcoin (BTC) across the selected month.
  • If you choose filters that exclude all available datapoints, you will see a message on the chart area displaying “For the selected parameters we don't have data to visually represent it on the chart. Please selected others parameters”.
  • Under “Opportunities Funded”, you are able to consult and access more details on the opportunities that you have funded, including the “Tranche ID”, the “Miner Name”, the opportunity end date, and allocated hashrate.

Monitoring your received revenue

  • Navigate to your portfolio where you can see a list of opportunities that you have funded.
  • When clicking on a specific opportunity, you can see all rewards that you have received under “Recent Transactions” - the rewards will be flagged as “Reward Distribution”.
  • Please note that rewards are paid out to LP’s with a one-day delay. Hence, you can expect one additional reward payment after the last day of the opportunity.
  • After confirming that you have received revenue, you are able to withdraw your funds immediately after their distribution, without any lockup period.