Start your First Opportunity

The below chart outlines the steps required to set up and launch a new hashrate transaction on the Block Green platform.

0. Miner creates a new hashrate sale opportunity

  • At present, the opportunity creation is fully handled by the Block Green team. As a miner, please contact our team via email if you want to create an opportunity to sell hashrate. Please include the amount of hashrate as well as your preferred start and end date.
  • Within 24h you will receive a formal term sheet from the Block Green team including additional terms like hashprice and required collateral.
  • After approving the term sheet, Block Green will set up the opportunity on the platform.

1. LP funds opportunity

  • Once an LP commits to funding the opportunity, you will receive a bilateral agreement between yourself and the LP via email

2. Miner posts collateral

  • When the agreement has been signed and your opportunity has reached the agreed minimum funding level, you will receive a request to post collateral

3. Miner redirects hashrate

  • Redirect your hashrate rewards to the new Rewards Wallet address, which can be found on the opportunity page
  • Once our protocol recognizes the incoming reward stream, the opportunity status will change to “active” and daily rewards will be paid to liquidity providers

4. Miner receives the advance amount

  • The protocol releases the funding amount once collateral has successfully been posted and the first incoming hashrate rewards recognized
  • The advance amount is automatically transferred to your user wallet on the Block Green platform

Now, you have started your first opportunity