Receiving immediate liquidity

This article will introduce you to redirecting rewards, a key requirement to start a funded opportunity.

Table of Contents:

  • Obtaining the wallet address for reward delivery
  • Validating the amount of hashrate allocated to an opportunity
  • Redirecting rewards for a funded opportunity
  • Receiving immediate liquidity from an opportunity

Obtaining the wallet address for reward delivery

  • Navigate the opportunity page to find information about the opportunity.
  • Under “Opportunity Information”, you will find the “Reward Address” which contains the wallet address you should use to redirect rewards to the opportunity.

Validating the amount of hashrate allocated to an opportunity

Please note that Block Green recommends transferring more than the allocated hashrate in order to account for equipment fallouts, curtailments or other operational events that might reduce hashrate delivery. Any excess rewards will be held in the reward vault and released back to you after expiry of the opportunity.

  • Navigate the opportunity page to find information about the opportunity.
  • On top of the page under “Hashrate Allocated”, you will find the amount of hashrate that is currently allocated to the opportunity as well as the required amount that you need to allocate.
  • Please ensure that your currently allocated hashrate amount is greater than the required amount. If not, please redirect additional rewards to the opportunity.

Redirecting rewards for a funded opportunity

  • Please redirect the amount of contractually allocated hashrate to the rewards address of the opportunity until 24h before the opportunity start date (as per the signed agreement).
  • Access your mining pool software to redirect the mining rewards to the opportunity.
  • On the mining pool software, please transfer the required amount of hashrate to the rewards address of the opportunity.
  • You can validate each mining reward distribution on the Block Green platform under transaction history of the opportunity.
  • Block Green will confirm with you that sufficient hashrate rewards have been allocated before delivering immediate liquidity.

Receiving immediate liquidity from an opportunity

  • Once the first rewards are received and the collateral vault has sufficient balance, Block Green will deliver the immediate liquidity to your user wallet.
  • Please note that the structuring fee will automatically be deducted from the immediate liquidity leading to a difference between the immediate liquidity as stated in the underlying agreement and the transaction amount.
  • You can withdraw the funds to any whitelisted address on the platform.